Y'know. I was talking to Mr Chris this morning about how we could both just never listen to new music again. Which brings me to these guys. I was 11 when this clip was shot. I was listening to them ten years ago. I listened to them today and I'll be listening to them in ten years no doubt. You've seen them on here with one drummer, two drummers and now a guy in a dress.. Awesome.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Out too hard/Great Weekend/Honey, We're moving
Got back from vegas on Sunday night and things have pretty much been a blur since then.
Weekend was great. The trails at Whakarewarewa are the best things I have ever ever ridden. I just didn't understand what people were going on about I guess. I had a great ride, despite going out too hard, getting cramp and having my chain jam up. It was great though, rode with some thouroughly wonderful people, didn't come last and didn't crash. Bonus! I also felt thouroghly intimidated at the start but having finished the thing my confidence is at a high.
Am going down on the 14th with Girl Lightning for the next round. With another family holiday planned for the month after. Brilliant. Since being back I've been at work and hitting the hills in prep for the next ride. Hopefully I will improve on my time as I'll know what to expect and when to push things a bit and when to ease back. I wish I could provide you with a race report, but to be honest, I'm too tired (and happy). Here's some photos though..

I mean honestly, I'm feeling really tired, but good. Great actually. I've been falling asleep dreaming of Chasing a SWOBO long sleeve jersey down pig track.
Weekend was great. The trails at Whakarewarewa are the best things I have ever ever ridden. I just didn't understand what people were going on about I guess. I had a great ride, despite going out too hard, getting cramp and having my chain jam up. It was great though, rode with some thouroughly wonderful people, didn't come last and didn't crash. Bonus! I also felt thouroghly intimidated at the start but having finished the thing my confidence is at a high.
Am going down on the 14th with Girl Lightning for the next round. With another family holiday planned for the month after. Brilliant. Since being back I've been at work and hitting the hills in prep for the next ride. Hopefully I will improve on my time as I'll know what to expect and when to push things a bit and when to ease back. I wish I could provide you with a race report, but to be honest, I'm too tired (and happy). Here's some photos though..

I mean honestly, I'm feeling really tired, but good. Great actually. I've been falling asleep dreaming of Chasing a SWOBO long sleeve jersey down pig track.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Happy (??) Trails
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
All Groucho On It...
Why thank you, sir.
Finally. Our building consent has been approved!!! Yuss!! We can now start to rennovate our house (Cottage).. and it only took 8 months*
I've done some cool stuff in my life, I have to admit it. Met some people who I didn't think I'd ever get to meet and played with bands that I would have never ever thought I'd get to play with.I think I took it all in my stride. Yet surprisingly I find myself giggling like a school girl that someone left a comment up on here. I guess if there were ever a comment inspiring band it'd be these guys It's nice to know that others get it too.
This is what I'll be doing on Sunday. Here. All those famous Rotorua trails, which up until Sunday I wont ever have ridden, now I'll be riding most of them at the same time. I'm really looking forward to it..
I'd like more bikes
Historically I've kinda been like Groucho Marx; I don't care to belong to any club that would have me as a member.
But in this case, I'd gladly make an exception
To end here's a classic kinghts move thought on my part of what to impart sonically. I got to it by thinking about people who have been on dischord and bands that I've played shows with. Done and Done
*This is in no way a sarcastic comment I talked to a guy whose took two years.
Finally. Our building consent has been approved!!! Yuss!! We can now start to rennovate our house (Cottage).. and it only took 8 months*
I've done some cool stuff in my life, I have to admit it. Met some people who I didn't think I'd ever get to meet and played with bands that I would have never ever thought I'd get to play with.I think I took it all in my stride. Yet surprisingly I find myself giggling like a school girl that someone left a comment up on here. I guess if there were ever a comment inspiring band it'd be these guys It's nice to know that others get it too.
This is what I'll be doing on Sunday. Here. All those famous Rotorua trails, which up until Sunday I wont ever have ridden, now I'll be riding most of them at the same time. I'm really looking forward to it..
I'd like more bikes
Historically I've kinda been like Groucho Marx; I don't care to belong to any club that would have me as a member.
But in this case, I'd gladly make an exception
To end here's a classic kinghts move thought on my part of what to impart sonically. I got to it by thinking about people who have been on dischord and bands that I've played shows with. Done and Done
*This is in no way a sarcastic comment I talked to a guy whose took two years.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Title is Untitled
I had a dream about the event on Sunday. I was waiting at the start line, Girl Lightning was there with me, then everything went black. Next thing I was haring down a polished wood corridor, sliding into the corners and desperately trying to make the start. This accomplished GL and I finally got up onto the course, I then discovered that A) My tyres were pumped up to 60+ PSI and B) I was rocking a pair of commuter type slick tyres. Then we were ascending a wide wet asphalt road, with other riders in the distance, I yelled at a couple of ladies crossing the road with prams that 'This was a race, goddammit" and then had to stop to deflate my tyres some. Next thing my tyres were nearly completely deflated and the nubbins on my valves had recessed completely into the body. Then I pryed the tyre of to discover that they were completely rammed full of old inner tubes, like ten in each one.
I woke up, came out into the pre dawn darkness, made coffee and honey on toast. Saw that the cat had vomited on the couch. Hello Wednesday!!
T minus 4 days. Legs feeling really strong and I think I'm riding well. Stomach is better, however I have a sneaking suspicion that Beer doesn't agree with me.
Covered an on call (overnight, at home with a phone and pager) at work on Monday night. I actually negotiated something, which I'm normally too timid to do, I heard my self say "I'll do it if I can have tomorrow off (Regardless of whether I get called or not)". My manager went for it, I didn't get called and got A) Paid to sleep and B) An extra paid day off. Don't ask don't get I s'pose.
My ride yesterday was sound tracked by these people.
some more..
And these guys...
I woke up, came out into the pre dawn darkness, made coffee and honey on toast. Saw that the cat had vomited on the couch. Hello Wednesday!!
T minus 4 days. Legs feeling really strong and I think I'm riding well. Stomach is better, however I have a sneaking suspicion that Beer doesn't agree with me.
Covered an on call (overnight, at home with a phone and pager) at work on Monday night. I actually negotiated something, which I'm normally too timid to do, I heard my self say "I'll do it if I can have tomorrow off (Regardless of whether I get called or not)". My manager went for it, I didn't get called and got A) Paid to sleep and B) An extra paid day off. Don't ask don't get I s'pose.
My ride yesterday was sound tracked by these people.
some more..
And these guys...
Friday, May 16, 2008
The Letter F/Work Down Time/Best People.
I’m feeling better today.
This is fortuitous, as with all the training I’ve been doing and race day closing in (T- 8 days) if I was to continue feeling shabby thoughts of calling the whole thing were entering my head. I had resolved to focus on the June ride. Happily, this now appears to be a moot point.
Today’s post is brought to you by the Letter F. Feeling better. Fine Foggy day for riding. My Favourite band of all time FUGAZI (Bar none)
For me, today was a near perfect day for riding. Foggy and cold to start, and cool and clear once the fog burned off. I started out kitted to the max. Complete with arm, leg and head warmers, polypropylene under gloves and my new favourite thing snuggling underneath my old favourite thing. I was feeling cautious at first, not wishing to overdo anything and thus further fuck my stomach up. Again, this proved to be a moot point. Brilliant ride, body felt strong, stomach felt good rode 15km more than I had planned to, coming in at just under two and a half hours for 55km. (Please note, I only have one bike. So I ride it everywhere, those of you reading* should factor in that when any road riding stat is given is given through me riding a 4 and a bit inch dual suspension trail bike with 2.1 inch tyres. Kei Te Pai?)
The rest of the day followed brilliantly, with honey sandwiches (GYEAH) and coffee up in. There was also an afternoon of smiley Lou and shrieky Pete at the playground. Now I’m at work. The fact that I’m typing this from work should indicate that at this stage, it ain’t
Too bad at all. Let’s just think the good thoughts and keep it that way, Tino Pai? There wont be a music clip up until later though, as my work have an IT nerd cadre equivalent to the flying monkeys in the wizard of Oz, and we underlings are thus forbade from the dark pleasures of You Tube. Apparently the TAB is also out, what the fuck is this? Poland under the Nazi’s? What do you mean I can’t place a sports bet at work?
Te Reo you say? What’s that got to do with Mexican food and the Ponsonby food hall and my son’s best friend and a great night out? Nothing really, ‘cepting for that I can say, without any hint of irony, that some of my best friends ** are “Maoris’” or Maori, if you want to be, you know….correct. This has been two weeks in a row that we’ve gotten out and about and social on a Friday night More of that, I say….
Also, We're now eating brocolli from the garden. Carrots also. Good life? damn skippy.
*there’s no one reading is there…what a Zen question; I mean…how would I know?
** indeed, some of the two of the best people I know.
This is fortuitous, as with all the training I’ve been doing and race day closing in (T- 8 days) if I was to continue feeling shabby thoughts of calling the whole thing were entering my head. I had resolved to focus on the June ride. Happily, this now appears to be a moot point.
Today’s post is brought to you by the Letter F. Feeling better. Fine Foggy day for riding. My Favourite band of all time FUGAZI (Bar none)
For me, today was a near perfect day for riding. Foggy and cold to start, and cool and clear once the fog burned off. I started out kitted to the max. Complete with arm, leg and head warmers, polypropylene under gloves and my new favourite thing snuggling underneath my old favourite thing. I was feeling cautious at first, not wishing to overdo anything and thus further fuck my stomach up. Again, this proved to be a moot point. Brilliant ride, body felt strong, stomach felt good rode 15km more than I had planned to, coming in at just under two and a half hours for 55km. (Please note, I only have one bike. So I ride it everywhere, those of you reading* should factor in that when any road riding stat is given is given through me riding a 4 and a bit inch dual suspension trail bike with 2.1 inch tyres. Kei Te Pai?)
The rest of the day followed brilliantly, with honey sandwiches (GYEAH) and coffee up in. There was also an afternoon of smiley Lou and shrieky Pete at the playground. Now I’m at work. The fact that I’m typing this from work should indicate that at this stage, it ain’t
Too bad at all. Let’s just think the good thoughts and keep it that way, Tino Pai? There wont be a music clip up until later though, as my work have an IT nerd cadre equivalent to the flying monkeys in the wizard of Oz, and we underlings are thus forbade from the dark pleasures of You Tube. Apparently the TAB is also out, what the fuck is this? Poland under the Nazi’s? What do you mean I can’t place a sports bet at work?
Te Reo you say? What’s that got to do with Mexican food and the Ponsonby food hall and my son’s best friend and a great night out? Nothing really, ‘cepting for that I can say, without any hint of irony, that some of my best friends ** are “Maoris’” or Maori, if you want to be, you know….correct. This has been two weeks in a row that we’ve gotten out and about and social on a Friday night More of that, I say….
Also, We're now eating brocolli from the garden. Carrots also. Good life? damn skippy.
*there’s no one reading is there…what a Zen question; I mean…how would I know?
** indeed, some of the two of the best people I know.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Baby Girl Digs On Space Jazz./Here's to Wise Advice
Lola hearts Money Mark.
All things considered, I think my "lifestyle" is a remarkably positive one, thank you.
All things considered, I think my "lifestyle" is a remarkably positive one, thank you.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
"Porn" vs. Porn/ Nice Things/ You Have My Undying Respect
After the Colville, relaxing in the grass surrounded by hundreds of nice bikes, Girl Lightning remarked to me after I pointed out yet another beauty "Mountain bikes are your porn". Well, to be honest Porn is still my Porn but I sure do like looking at a well made bike.. No better example of nice well made bikes can be found here
Scroll down, check the website proper and enjoy.. Man, it would be sweet having a custom ride. Like this one
It's funny when I got a bike with dual suspension, I went through a period where I wanted more travel, now I've found out what kind of riding I really like, am average at and comfortable with, I want less. Evolution or De Evolution? you be the judge.
Another reason why I enjoy the Hunter site is that Rick Hunter would appear to be one of the riders I would like to be..He attempted this I don't think he finished, but then not many do... still, Damn.
Closer to home, check out This Guy, from Wellington, who is attempting the next round of GDR. Messrs Kennett and Hunter, you have my undying respect.
Ten Days till my race, with the stabbing pain relenting I should be back on the bike by Friday...
More Murphy? Why not...
Scroll down, check the website proper and enjoy.. Man, it would be sweet having a custom ride. Like this one
It's funny when I got a bike with dual suspension, I went through a period where I wanted more travel, now I've found out what kind of riding I really like, am average at and comfortable with, I want less. Evolution or De Evolution? you be the judge.
Another reason why I enjoy the Hunter site is that Rick Hunter would appear to be one of the riders I would like to be..He attempted this I don't think he finished, but then not many do... still, Damn.
Closer to home, check out This Guy, from Wellington, who is attempting the next round of GDR. Messrs Kennett and Hunter, you have my undying respect.
Ten Days till my race, with the stabbing pain relenting I should be back on the bike by Friday...
More Murphy? Why not...
Empathy for the Psychopath/Nubbin (psychological)/James Murphy/Grounded by Stabbing Stabbing Pain.
It's been a little while.
Training wise, since the day after my last post things are going grand. Long roady climby ones, long technical singletracky ones, spinny other type ones, early morning ones. Awesome.
Work was exhausting the week before last. I found my Friday afternoon embroiled with admitting a psychopath. a proper, test them twice because no one that young can score that high, psychopath. It left me worn down to a psychological nubbin. Knowing that this person had NO FEELINGS and having to be empathic et al is draining, you feel kinda used, they know what is going on and so do you. man. But, I feel empathy for this person, as I believe these wretches are created via awful trauma, I'm a nubbin nonetheless.
The day after that I found myself out for I think my strongest off road ride ever, an early morning 40 up at woodhill. beautiful.
That afternoon, I backed a trailer full of leaf mulch down our drive (you ain't seen our drive) and all felt well with the world. Then the stabbing abdominal pain started. oy vey. did it start. It started Saturday night, and I thought I'd torn something riding, however by Sunday evening I thought I may die, Monday morning came and I called in sick for work. Then I had some porridge. Then it went away. Then I did a sweet 60km. Then it came back. Went to the GP on Tuesday morning, after not sleeping.. Turns out I have Gastritis, which is an inflammation of the stomach lining. After discussing peptic ulcers, ultrasounds and gastroscopy (sticking a camera down your gullet) my GP informed me that if the blood test did show an ulcer then I wouldn't be able to race in a week. I nearly cried.
Since then I've discovered that injections in my ass suck. and I've got some sort of fruity virus,and the stabbing is getting better. Which is awesome news as it means game on!!!!
My bike is in getting a service, with a brilliant young man whose better half is also a professional hippy. Organic broccoli, sir?
I love LCD soundsystem. Always have. When James Murphy sang "Like a fat guy in a T Shirt doing all the singing" I felt like he was speaking right to me....
Will update soon. gush.
Training wise, since the day after my last post things are going grand. Long roady climby ones, long technical singletracky ones, spinny other type ones, early morning ones. Awesome.
Work was exhausting the week before last. I found my Friday afternoon embroiled with admitting a psychopath. a proper, test them twice because no one that young can score that high, psychopath. It left me worn down to a psychological nubbin. Knowing that this person had NO FEELINGS and having to be empathic et al is draining, you feel kinda used, they know what is going on and so do you. man. But, I feel empathy for this person, as I believe these wretches are created via awful trauma, I'm a nubbin nonetheless.
The day after that I found myself out for I think my strongest off road ride ever, an early morning 40 up at woodhill. beautiful.
That afternoon, I backed a trailer full of leaf mulch down our drive (you ain't seen our drive) and all felt well with the world. Then the stabbing abdominal pain started. oy vey. did it start. It started Saturday night, and I thought I'd torn something riding, however by Sunday evening I thought I may die, Monday morning came and I called in sick for work. Then I had some porridge. Then it went away. Then I did a sweet 60km. Then it came back. Went to the GP on Tuesday morning, after not sleeping.. Turns out I have Gastritis, which is an inflammation of the stomach lining. After discussing peptic ulcers, ultrasounds and gastroscopy (sticking a camera down your gullet) my GP informed me that if the blood test did show an ulcer then I wouldn't be able to race in a week. I nearly cried.
Since then I've discovered that injections in my ass suck. and I've got some sort of fruity virus,and the stabbing is getting better. Which is awesome news as it means game on!!!!
My bike is in getting a service, with a brilliant young man whose better half is also a professional hippy. Organic broccoli, sir?
I love LCD soundsystem. Always have. When James Murphy sang "Like a fat guy in a T Shirt doing all the singing" I felt like he was speaking right to me....
Will update soon. gush.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Hit the Wall/5:10
I've hit the wall. In the last week I had the un pleasure of working a total of 28 hours in a 36 hour period. The other 8 hours were devoted to (broken) sleep and even a cheeky ride.
The rest of the week went busily, with me being able to hit all my training and family goals. Today has me feeling 10:5. Ten pounds of shit in a five pound bag. man.
Last two rides, solid as, one on and one off the road. today. hit out for an hour "start of the training week stretch the legs ride" and turned back after 5 minutes. It was beginning to drizzle. I just couldn't stand the thought of riding in the rain. That is the first (and hopefully last) time I have ever turned back from a ride. gutted.
The rest of the week went busily, with me being able to hit all my training and family goals. Today has me feeling 10:5. Ten pounds of shit in a five pound bag. man.
Last two rides, solid as, one on and one off the road. today. hit out for an hour "start of the training week stretch the legs ride" and turned back after 5 minutes. It was beginning to drizzle. I just couldn't stand the thought of riding in the rain. That is the first (and hopefully last) time I have ever turned back from a ride. gutted.
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