I was saving this as a surprise... however the only person who reads my blog "outed" me in his. Bitch.
I am almost apoplectically excited, however. I figure if I'm going to suck at something, I might as well suck at something hard. Anyone know of anyone who makes a seat post in 26.8??
Girl Lightning showed up today and took my step ladder. She brought back my stepladder and also some beers for me. Thanks Girl Lightning! It was cold and dark on the commute in and cold and sunny on the way home. go figure the Vegas spring.
And now,ahem, it's time for Other Blogs That Rule Hard(er than mine) Part two where we look at events...
Completely unbidden, a Txt message from Von Krosch arrived on my phone today. It said, simply... Top 5 Albums? Normally this would be enough to throw me into a complete spin, however being the zen master I am I simply centred myself emptied my mind of all intrusive thoughts and vowed that I would list the first five albums that flew into my consciousness.
Accordingly and in all it's glory I give you..
Fugazi- In on the Kill Taker Released June 1993 on Dischord Records
My favourite record from my favourite band of all time. My heartbreak/triumph album. enough said.
Weezer- Pinkerton Released October 1996 on Geffen Records
This easily outstrips anything that Rivers Cuomo ever did before or after.Critically acclaimed, yet maligned by the man who wrote it. Named after the Lead Male in Madame Butterfly and filled with self loathing, sexual urges and huge shitty drums. I'm Jello baby.
This album makes me want to yell very loudly and jump out of windows. superfluous.Refused are fucking dead? more's the pity...
Queens Of The Stone Age- Rated R Released June 2000 on Interscope Records.
Drugs. Fucking. Monsters. Judas Priest. Summer. Beer. Parasols. James Duncan.
The Bees- Sunshine Hits Me Released March 2002 on We Love You
I remember driving around in my Hyundai Crying because I had heard the song "angry man" on the radio and thought it was the lead out single of another Auckland Band. I thought, "that's it, we're done". Lucky for me, eh? This album is beautiful. It reminds me of Kingsland, Jim the trombone player and most importantly, my wife. I lovity love love love this record. mmmm. I note that the below is the original of A Menha Menina (My Girl) by Os Mutantes which is covered on the album. It too, totally rules.
I'm an uncle again! An uncle to a strapping 10lb something boy named Tyson Collins. Awesome! Have yet to speak to my sister however I'm assured that she is doing well. Must have been all baby and no milky bar, eh Kate?
My numero uno Riding Shorts have finally bit the dust after nigh on three years of heavy use. a small tear happened in the inner thigh, then that hole got hooked up on my seat. yaddah yaddah yaddah I need some new shorts. I loved my old shorts. We went through a lot together, saw lots of sights, rode lots of Kms, some great events and tonnes of very good times. sigh.
I hit out today and timed my ride perfectly. It rained the entire time I was on the bike. I wore my pair of these.. I bought them to do the whaka 100 in, didn't end up doing it and so havn't worn them in anger. I don't think I've ever been more comfortable on a bike in inclement weather. coupled with This Guy up top I was sitting pretty.Lovely. Realistically think I prolly looked like a sack of cookie dough tied in the middle with wire, but meh. I had a great ride.. was that a product reveiw? jeez
I changed my stem. who would have thought that 20 stinking ml and five less degree of raise would make all the difference?? I certainly didn't, stinking neophyte that I am. I do now though. I like being faster and less terrified.
American dad names baby after Republican campaign 10:56AM Thursday Oct 16, 2008 By Eveline Jenkin
A baby in Tennessee has been named Sarah McCain Palin Ciptak by her father. When Tennessee couple Mark and Layla Ciptak had a baby girl late last week they agreed to call her Ava Grace.
But Mrs Ciptak was in for a surprise come Monday morning, when she discovered her husband had instead registered their daughter with the moniker Sarah McCain Palin Ciptak.
Mr Ciptak told the Kingsport Times-News he picked the name to bring attention to the political candidates he supported - something he was able to do without his wife's knowledge as they had both already signed two sets of blank birth certification documents.
Mrs Ciptak first learned of her daughter's registered name when the Kingsport Times-News contacted her husband after receiving a routine birth announcement notification from the hospital where the baby was born.
"To be sure, she (Mrs Ciptak) was not quite fond of me or of what I had done, but we've had some time to talk it over, and she has been really supportive through it all," said Mr Ciptak.
What this father hadn't expected was the extent of the media frenzy surrounding his decision.
He's had calls from NBC, Fox News, the New York Post and Entertainment Tonight since the story broke.
"I Googled my name late Monday and two hits came up. I did it this morning and it popped up thousands of times," he told the Kingsport Times-News on Tuesday.
But Mr Ciptak says he does not regret his decision as it has had the effect he desired.
"That's what it was all about, to get the word out, to be encouraging, and to be a breath of fresh air to the McCain camp and that ticket. It seems to have taken off," he said.
Under Tennessee law, the name on a birth certificate can be changed within a year provided an affidavit is filed with the Department of Health's Office of Vital Records.
Mr Ciptak says he and his wife - who have two other children named Annika and Isaiah - are yet to decide whether they will officially change their baby daughter's name to Ava Grace.
Good God. What would the equivilent be in NZ? "John Bill English Key MIddle New Zealand"? "Winston Jerry Some-Of-My-Best-Friends-Are-Maori-Forget-About-The-Treaty Brownlee"?? Lord almighty..
Dear Science. Goodness me. Goodness Goodness Goodness me. Guaranteed to awesome up your ride by at least 150% or your money back.
Every time I would do something cool with music, the next week when life would return to "normal" (Read: Eating baked beans in Sunnyvale) my mood would plummet and I'd generally sulk around for the rest of the week. Who woulda thought that this would happen with riding bikes...
Saturday before last had me waking up and going "fifty Km huh? really?". Living here and doing events here make for a whole lot more relaxing experience. I felt relaxed, maybe too relaxed as I made my way to the start. I started from DFL, as A) there were some hot-shot-shaved-leg-bike-as-scalpel-heart-attack-serious ATHLETES on the start line and B) "Fifty Km Huh? Really?". IT was choice though.. Excellent actually. Great ride, Picked some people off, lots of good ups and choice choice downs. I've totally made up with Billy T.The Hundred Km guys and girls have my undying respect...Shouldn't I be the one giving you guys kind words of encouragement?
I busted my bunghole and finished in 3.55, average I know, considering the last time I rode a 50 ( In July) I finished in 4.48 I feel pretty pleased about this...
and now, in finishing up this b minus post I'll leave you with this little gem from Seasame St. Back when the muppets sounded right. So much for Jim Henson's "wait and see attitude".
I wanted to go for a pre ride today, but was ambivilant. I swing back and forth between riding and not riding the week before an event. I decided to let my inner Magic Eight Ball decide. If I lie on the couch for four minutes in the sun and feel agitated I will ride. If not I will rest. Hello an hour later. I'm a poor day sleeper. Poor Poor Poor Poor. My post day sleep routine usually involves an hour or so of stumbling around the house glaring suspiciously at the cats. Pity my family. Pity them..