I brought my Spoon to a Spork fight this afternoon with Matt K and some of his other Carbon Spork riding buddies. I had simply my spoon, my lovely green, rigid steel spoon. It went rather well, thank you.
I remain, stoked on the 90's.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Hubris/The Eternal Battle Rages On.
Hubris, sometimes spelled hybris (ancient Greek ὕβρις), is a term used in modern English to indicate overweening pride, self-confidence, superciliousness, or arrogance, often resulting in fatal retribution www.wikipedia.org
So, Yeah. I shot out of the end of A-Trail yesterday onto Tickler. Really enjoying my new ride, I saw a few Riders on Full Suspension rides ahead and wondered how fast I could push it. I caught them comfortably, and as we descended into Tickler one word flashed into my head, "HUBRIS"
I pushed it out of my head, I wasn't even pushing it hard. No I'm just riding here. I passed the last two guys around a wide corner with a smug "cheers guys", my front wheel slipped on a wet rock, skewing the bike across the track, I remained upright, however I was up out of the pedals, both feet ejected and my testicles came into a grinding impact with my seat. The battle was decided. SCROTUM:0 SEAT:1
All was not lost however as I stayed upright and carried on, vomiting into my mouth as I lurched up the track. Coulda been worse, however I guess it was a lesson learned (or completely arbitrary, In fact, I don't know what the lesson that I might have learnt was? Don't try and pass people? I don't know.. )It took a good half hour for the pain to subside. ah, testicle pain. what a thing eh?
Old Chevy was made for Single Speeds, but. Great, Great trail...
So, Yeah. I shot out of the end of A-Trail yesterday onto Tickler. Really enjoying my new ride, I saw a few Riders on Full Suspension rides ahead and wondered how fast I could push it. I caught them comfortably, and as we descended into Tickler one word flashed into my head, "HUBRIS"
I pushed it out of my head, I wasn't even pushing it hard. No I'm just riding here. I passed the last two guys around a wide corner with a smug "cheers guys", my front wheel slipped on a wet rock, skewing the bike across the track, I remained upright, however I was up out of the pedals, both feet ejected and my testicles came into a grinding impact with my seat. The battle was decided. SCROTUM:0 SEAT:1
All was not lost however as I stayed upright and carried on, vomiting into my mouth as I lurched up the track. Coulda been worse, however I guess it was a lesson learned (or completely arbitrary, In fact, I don't know what the lesson that I might have learnt was? Don't try and pass people? I don't know.. )It took a good half hour for the pain to subside. ah, testicle pain. what a thing eh?
Old Chevy was made for Single Speeds, but. Great, Great trail...
Thursday, November 20, 2008
I have not been up to writing, Life has been getting in the way (in a non fringe-emo way, just been busy is all) Will get there.
Look what I have..

It's been a whole new experience, a joyful one at that.
The family is back in Dorkland for the the week, so I am flying solo. (read: working, riding, reading)
Anyone remember the movie, HYPE!? Here are some favourite moments of mine...
Look what I have..

It's been a whole new experience, a joyful one at that.
The family is back in Dorkland for the the week, so I am flying solo. (read: working, riding, reading)
Anyone remember the movie, HYPE!? Here are some favourite moments of mine...
Friday, November 14, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
My New Favourite Thing.
Following up my stumbling quasi political spew from yesterday was going to be a posting of the new President Elect's victory speech.
Then I saw this.
I have to know more....
Juice it Chuck!!!
Then I saw this.
I have to know more....
Juice it Chuck!!!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Gallop Gallop Gallop...
The Mojo Men are coming! The Mojo Men are coming!!
Lock up your red anodized components and Chris King hubs...
This Album rules
Lock up your red anodized components and Chris King hubs...
This Album rules
All Go No Flow...
I got the rubber dirt side down for the first time in about ten days today.. not to say that I haven't been riding, I have, a bunch. commuting to and fro for the agony of a morning shift. I had a whole heap of fun, and did one of my favourite loops, plus some. It was great fitness wise, but I just didn't feel "The Flow" if you will. There were no major catastrophes or anything, but things just weren't gelling as well.My trail craft was slightly off.. It's real interesting (to me, anyway) that after not being out on the trails for that short time I had begun to lose my steez. Or maybe it was one of those days..I dunno.
I met two very nice people from the US of A at the direct road junction. They were riding motel hire bike specials, new to riding trails and wondering if "cruising up Frontal Lobotomy" (it's grade 2 right?)would get them views of the lake. Is that uphill? A short re evaluation later and they tootled off down Pipeline Rd to the benign goodness of Tahi and the Creek Track
Most, if not all of the people I have met from the US have been thoroughly wonderful. And it catches me out just how different these people are from myself, a New Zealander, I guess the thing that catches me out is because like me, they are white and speak the same language..However unlike me, they grew up in a completely different culture.I dunno if this is gelling, however I was thinking on the ride how glad I am to be alive in a time of such historical significance, the US Election tomorrow is one of the most significant in history...The potential of an African American man in the White House? When I was 5, in 1982 who would have ever thought that could be a possibility?.
I lean firmly to the left, so I would vote for Obama (heard of him??)if I was able, however I'm not going to lauch into some rant about McCain or anything as it's not my country and I don't have a say...
But I did get sent this little link here today, and I think it's interesting to see what would happen if the World Could Vote
And ending this clumsy political entry, as glad as I am to be living in this time I'm also terrified for my future and those of my children. The world is teetering on the verge of falling on it's ass as it is, and it frightens the shit out of me that the outcome of the US election could send us down a path were conquest, totalitarianism and unilateralism may be high on the agenda.When America sneezes the world catches the cold. Good Luck, Barry.
I met two very nice people from the US of A at the direct road junction. They were riding motel hire bike specials, new to riding trails and wondering if "cruising up Frontal Lobotomy" (it's grade 2 right?)would get them views of the lake. Is that uphill? A short re evaluation later and they tootled off down Pipeline Rd to the benign goodness of Tahi and the Creek Track
Most, if not all of the people I have met from the US have been thoroughly wonderful. And it catches me out just how different these people are from myself, a New Zealander, I guess the thing that catches me out is because like me, they are white and speak the same language..However unlike me, they grew up in a completely different culture.I dunno if this is gelling, however I was thinking on the ride how glad I am to be alive in a time of such historical significance, the US Election tomorrow is one of the most significant in history...The potential of an African American man in the White House? When I was 5, in 1982 who would have ever thought that could be a possibility?.
I lean firmly to the left, so I would vote for Obama (heard of him??)if I was able, however I'm not going to lauch into some rant about McCain or anything as it's not my country and I don't have a say...
But I did get sent this little link here today, and I think it's interesting to see what would happen if the World Could Vote
And ending this clumsy political entry, as glad as I am to be living in this time I'm also terrified for my future and those of my children. The world is teetering on the verge of falling on it's ass as it is, and it frightens the shit out of me that the outcome of the US election could send us down a path were conquest, totalitarianism and unilateralism may be high on the agenda.When America sneezes the world catches the cold. Good Luck, Barry.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Mini M&M's as the Rotorua Xanax? Discuss....
Right, I've calmed down. onto business...
Let's talk about super humanity.
Example The First
Example The Second
Example The Third
That is some next level shit right there...
I want to try CX. Gin and tromobones ahoy..
On the riding front I've been getting 40km round trip to work most days. some on pavement, some on fire road, however I haven't hit the trails for a good week or so. Tuesday is the day. Summer Cup here I come.
and now, randomly..
Let's talk about super humanity.
Example The First
Example The Second
Example The Third
That is some next level shit right there...
I want to try CX. Gin and tromobones ahoy..
On the riding front I've been getting 40km round trip to work most days. some on pavement, some on fire road, however I haven't hit the trails for a good week or so. Tuesday is the day. Summer Cup here I come.
and now, randomly..
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Three Golden Rules...
I'm a Mental Health Nurse. I'm fucking proud of my job, I love it and I do it well. We're supposed to help people and do. Yes there is massive room for improvement in the mental health services and yes, mistakes do happen. But believe it or not we do help, we do the jobs that most people couldn't and we do make a difference.
Then there is THIS GUY. Way to disgrace my profession, man...
I've had the misfortune to work with old Ian. Both at ADHB and WDHB. Ian always appeared out of his depth, an anxious man who would cover his anxiety with bravado.I'm not sure we got on that well, in fact, I disliked him, and I'm pretty sure he disliked me. I moved into a crisis team when he was still in ICU and then I understand the wheels fell off.. However, did I trust Ian to have my back? Yes.. have I been in a few scrapes with Ian? Yes. Could I work with him on a professional level? yes. Had I the (not unreasonable)assumption that he had a basic grasp of ethics, morals and boundaries? yes. I had no clue that things could be so wrong in the man's head that he could stoop so low.
I've also worked rather extensively with the "vulnerable Woman" in the past, and I find it INCOMPREHENSIBLE that anyone. ANYONE could think that with her level of "Vulnerability" that a sexual relationship with a man who nursed her could be anything other than abusive, immoral and unethical. Nice one. GGRRRRRR. I've lost my train of thought. I can even put a sentence together....HOW DARE YOU?. shame on you, Ian. Shame on you.
Postgraduate course in ethics? how about breaking it down a little bit simpler for ol' Ian... Here you go man, three golden rules. Write em' down a hundred times...Genius
Then there is THIS GUY. Way to disgrace my profession, man...
I've had the misfortune to work with old Ian. Both at ADHB and WDHB. Ian always appeared out of his depth, an anxious man who would cover his anxiety with bravado.I'm not sure we got on that well, in fact, I disliked him, and I'm pretty sure he disliked me. I moved into a crisis team when he was still in ICU and then I understand the wheels fell off.. However, did I trust Ian to have my back? Yes.. have I been in a few scrapes with Ian? Yes. Could I work with him on a professional level? yes. Had I the (not unreasonable)assumption that he had a basic grasp of ethics, morals and boundaries? yes. I had no clue that things could be so wrong in the man's head that he could stoop so low.
I've also worked rather extensively with the "vulnerable Woman" in the past, and I find it INCOMPREHENSIBLE that anyone. ANYONE could think that with her level of "Vulnerability" that a sexual relationship with a man who nursed her could be anything other than abusive, immoral and unethical. Nice one. GGRRRRRR. I've lost my train of thought. I can even put a sentence together....HOW DARE YOU?. shame on you, Ian. Shame on you.
Postgraduate course in ethics? how about breaking it down a little bit simpler for ol' Ian... Here you go man, three golden rules. Write em' down a hundred times...Genius
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