I got to go on a group ride with Stones Horsleytoday! I laid a single speed egg in his brain. It must be burning and itching by now....
Matt Krosch may be all about Brown Rubber Coated Carbon, but these two latest offering from his stable confirm he's keeping both Lo-fi and Old School. Nothing wrong with a post modernist approach I always say.
Caffeine rules. I literally did slip into a couch coma between 1830-1900 tonight, I came to with a jolt, kissed my son goodnight and headed off to make the wife and I our post dinner rush brew. An hour later and I'm clear eyed Clarabel. I cleaned the Gnar Gnar Binks/Weird/Simpleton's/Anti bike and am pleasantly not seeing life through a haze of exhaustion and heat. AWESOME!!!
This morning's ride was an interesting experience. I only ended up riding three trails today. sure, the first one was Mad if You Dont and the other two were Frontal Lobotomy and Billy T There was a lot of sharp climbing in between those three. I got a call from The Wife as I was working hard for the money* up past frontal on the way to Billy T, all thoughts of my ride were dashed "DO YOU WANT TO GO ONTO THE DUCK BOAT AT 1100?" Now, I live my life according to a pretty strict code, and right up there near the top is "NEVER EVER NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE PASS UP THE OPPORTUNITY TO GO ON THE DUCK BOAT" Realizing that I was A) up pretty high in the forest and B) Cutting it fine time wize, the next forty minutes turned into a super D-esque time trial all the way home. Fastest time ever down billy T on the SS ( in fact, fastest time down it on any bike) I saw a Wallaby, little fucker was hopping like lightning. White knuckle gravel road descending and 150000 rpm spinning along Te Ngae road all the way home (Average Speed 30km/hr. Gear ratio 32x20, I pick daisies). The duck boat ruled.Then we went swimming.
Although I am confident of being placed A) Last in my Category and B) Firmly in the pain cave I am looking forward to my first long course race on the SS Next Week
See entry before for further reference to Couch Coma. I have my regulation aught nine cyclist's tan. Awesome. Matt Krosch continues to do amazing things with high end bikes. Discerning viewers only well done that man. I will have him build me a bike one day. That would be pretty sweet. Unfortunately (for him), when I do have the coin, I'm gonna make him build me something like This. Or This. He'll love it. He'd better. Mr Krosch, if you're reading this.. I think a Jersey is a damn good idea. You could make them in brown. You love brown. You should hire me as an "ideas guy"...I could be a, a JUNIOR VICE PRESIDENT!!!
The training continues and is going well. I type this through a haze. I will be in bed soon, and then tomorrow will haul ass (drag ass) through the hills on my "weird bike" (some old dude on a nomad 21/01/09), Actually with all the riding and dust, I'd describe my bike at the moment as my 'GNAR GNAR BINKS' bike. Well, I thought Dank meant something different than it does, but fuck it. I'm tired.
I spent the last 45 minutes taking a run up to this post by watching videos of These Hombres, who I'll admit I was a little scared to commit to for a number of years, being a firm believer in Their Old Band. However, I did.. and I love them. It make climbing so much easier with the the bastard step children of The Mahavishnu Orchestra, The Stooges, Led Zep, Frank Zappa and Herb Alpert "bumping dicks" (A Bourdain, Kitchen Confidential 2000 pg 194) in the middle of your brain via your headphones, Takes my mind off the pain in my legs and the ridiculously slow cadence. Accordingly, and in all it's mind bending glory, I leave you with this.
So I've been reading heaps of blogs whereby the go to phrase would be "2009 starts NOW". by this, said athlete is indicating that "although it is snowing outside, I'm inside on the rollers, preparing for this seasons racing". I feel more fortunate than my Northern Hemisphere brethren in that down here it is currently balmy and rather pleasant outside. Conducive to riding of bikes. I would like to borrow this phrase of "2009 STARTS NOW" however add the caveat "AND I'M SHITTING MYSELF/WHAT THE FUCK HAVE I GOTTEN MYSELF INTO?/FUCK IT ALL FUCK IT ALL"
I've dedicated myself to riding the entire "season" both Rigid and Single... The first "Race" of the "Season" is on February First I'm doing the long course, all entered and everything.As the decision to ride more races than I ever have before on a bike with one gear and no suspension is pushing the bar up somewhat I'm riding my bike. A lot. It's going well, however I find I've gotta up my game somewhat on the whole blog front, as all the time on the bike has reduced the A) Time and B) Mental capacity (Read; couch coma) to update this thing regular, like.. I will endevour to update more now that all the kerfuffle with my J O B has settled down (read; I applied for and got a large promotion. We can stay in Vegas now. word!)
Summer riding demands summer tunes. Ladies and Gentleman I give you Super furry animals