Thursday, February 12, 2009

Lucky 13

I'm washed out. Sick. Stupid gastro bug. Stupid incipient nausea. Stupid "delicate" feeling. Stupid guilt about being off sick (being the boss does make things different). Stupid why couldn't it have been raining today instead of sunny as I could have rode yesterday, instead I had to go for a run (which was awesome)and now my quads are like "eh?" (not so awesome).Stupid lack of appetite.Stupid indecision around merits of rest. Stupid American Goths. Stupid Stupid Stupid.

Old Man Singlespeed.

Putting a golden tinge on your autumn years

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Rest Poor Ride Poor.

I'm living proof, and Trent? Call off your hordes, I'm sorry, okay?

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I wonder if Jay Kay Could Build Me One Of These??

Lo-Fi High Rollers 02

Lo-Fi High Rollers 01

I always wanted an Alpinestars jersey...

Monday, February 9, 2009

Releasing My Inner Fat 13 Year Old Goth

Trent sure does pull together an impressive band behind him. This time with Justin Meldal-Johnsen, Josh Freese, Alessandro Cortini on Bass, Robin Finck on guitar (again) and Josh Freese on the Drums. Alessandro Cortini remains on Keys. Word. The drug free guns are impressive also.

Today I'm Resting Hard Out.


A day off work, the Rain,several consecutive days riding and a sick child have all come together in an amazing conflagration to make for a rest day from the gods.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Patrick, You're Sweating

You will have to forgive me, my brain is rotted. what with lots of reading about the Neurophysiology of Trauma (psychological) and lots of riding, the whole writing-about-riding has slowed down heaps. Like for instance, the grand post ride report that I was going to spew forth after my first ever SS Race, which was simultaneously the best and worst race experience of my life. Best because I didn't cramp, didn't stop to rest, had more fun, passed more people and worked it harder than ever before. Worst because a Mechanical 10 minutes in (back wheel pulled from drop outs by legs like atom bombs*)had me losing several minutes, the group I was with and most importantly, my composure. I panicked a bit and put myself way into the red trying to catch up. The subsequent hour was one of the worst ever on a bike, however once I regained "mindfulness" everything was dandy. Yeah, where did that one go?
I've been engaging with a little group ride on a Thursday with work for about a month. Being a hospital wide thing it's been saddled with the name "Scrubs on Hubs" however, as it's mainly us mental health types, the Bedlam Bicycle Club would appear more appropriate. Last night was a fun mix of buff climbs, technical downs and super fast swoopy singletrack. It was awesome. The other's rode my SS. They liked it, ALTHOUGH WISHED THEY DIDN'T. I rode a Heckler for a bit. It felt like a Clenched Fist, just ready to go all the time. I like my fun sized wheels best though...

I don't know if it would class as a "season" per se..but here are the next three things I'll be doing this summer...(winter to follow obviously)



Being an old school punk rock postering guy, the thought of distributing some business cards don't sound so bad. Although I fear for the safety of Jay Kay if his snappy business cards invoke the same response from his competitors as it did with this guy..

*Not really like Atom Bombs at all

Clever and Helpful Things.

Illuminated Bretheren/Sisteren