This is one of those weeks where I'm flying somewhat solo as the wife and children are in the big smoke for the week. This means two things A) TV on all the time in the background for company and B) Riding a whole bunch.
Monday I was lucky enough to host Jules on a "Greatest Hits" ride through the forest. It was wet and we literally rode through the clouds.Split Enz was surreal, completely closed in with cloud, almost headlamp material at times, all at ten in the morning. Awesome. Three hours of riding, putting the world to rights (er,lefts actually) and conceptualizing a Woodhill 12 hour team meant that I was in a good mood for the rest of the day.
Tuesday dawned with a creepy fog, then the sun came out so I bailed straight away into the forest. It was gravel roadie time for me, and a planned scout of the parts of the 60km that I'm riding on Saturday that I'm unfamiliar with. A beautiful if not eerie two hours around the forest, Green lake a(or Rotokakahi if we're being correct)and surrounds. The lake is Tapu (sacred) and no one save for the Iwi (tribe) whose princess is buried there is allowed into it. I wouldn't go into that thing if you paid me. Makes for a great photo though.

The double track out by the lake was awesome, loamy and in some places a tad rocky, with a beautiful heartbreaker of a climb up out of the lake. I'm really looking forward to Saturday, feeling rested and hopefully will have more form/legs/headspace than my last debarcle of a race.
Now? The vaccuming. I'm having guests you know.
Oh. YEAH!! Go to the 2010 Singlespeed Champs page. Be friends with it. Await further instructions.