My birthday was the most perfect one I ever have had. It was amazing. I also found I shared my birthday with Someone Famous. Joy.

These look good? they're made with Fair Trade chocolate and cane sugar.. Hey National, Don't Corrupt Aid
I think the above little darlin's look absolutely killer, not that I'll be eating any though, as I'm doing The Highlander in two weeks, which is 80km of THIS .I will be rolling Bare Knuckled as the kids put it, So wish to cut down on as much "rolling resistance" as possible. Take it off the gut before the bike I always say (since just now). Said Highlander should be somewhat testing, however I've been putting the miles in so it should only be Nausea-Inducingly-Terrible, Not Kill-Yourself-There-And-Then Terrible.
I'm gonna need to break this puppy in first though...

Green and Brown is the new Black.

Let's see something cool shall we?
LOSE (sour old man balls/grapes)
"The Little Bike Shop With A Big Heart(distressing misogynistic commentary thrown in at no extra cost)"
I sold my Full Suspension bike with many gears.. I miss it not.
The other day, The Wife and littles went on an adventure when I was at work. The best photo ever of my family was taken as a result. Behold...

I bought the Red Fang Album..It's killer.
I've been doing this for one year (save the month I just had off)Not bad.
I took Mazdef's advice... I also got given a Totally Sweet Hoodie. This thing rules, I'm wearing it now.Thanks Krosch!
Oh yes...I've got psychobabble and discourse on coping mechanisms, maladaptive behaviour and insecure attachment out the yin yang..I can talk about this stuff for hours. And frequently have to at work. I approach it in a non judgemental and compassionate manner. Dealing with such people OUTSIDE of work however, whom aren't clients of the mental health service I have only this to say..... Fuck the passive aggressive. FUCK THEM!!! that shit get's truly, truly old...Despite the conciliatory text messages
Good men of Portland sing!!!!
Twenty Years?? Really??? Damn.
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