Euphorically listening to this at an ear splitting volume on my headphones I knew that I was somewhat over tired. I remember distinctly thinking "I hope this doesn't get out of hand....mmmm.
The last month has been a mash of double double shifts, preparing to study, family (and the inherent drama's therein)more work,teaching, some (not nearly enough) riding and more work. Jeez.
I did a race. Which was cool because last year this self same race was the first race that I did down at Rotorua. in '08 I was rolling a Giant Trance with gears, suspension and e'rything. I rolled across the line (dying) in a sub average 3.48.
'09 and I'm rolling a Rigid SS 29'er, same course, (markedly)worse conditions, poor lead up (see above) and a somewhat more relaxed/unwilling mindset and I'm across in a (still disappointing) 3.04. Still, nigh on 45 minutes is a good reduction in time. It was very very muddy. Very.
And that is it. I've hit the wall.
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