There was some horsing around with Thom before my start, we waved off the old man, who nobly and bull headedly completed the 45km.
Just after.
More just after. It's been noted by Beans that he appreciates my "uncluttered Handlebar".
It was so very goddamn freezing last Sunday.My appreciation for my Ultimate Hoodie has been growing daily in an inversely proportionate manner to the temperature falling. I don't know about "going beyond" however I do like the deep hood. Worn under my olive drab fatigue coat it makes me look somewhat like a stalker vigilante/train jumper. I'm going to call the look "FAUX-BO"

I know, I'm gorgeous.
I've been listening to Modern Guilt by Beck a hell of a lot lately. I was about to stick up "Gamma Ray" or some other thing, then I found this infinitely more intriguing performance. It get fruitier around the 2.00 mark.
I find wearing two hoodies, a beanies and fingerless gloves is an easy way to stay warm and maintain suitable faux-bo stylings. The best thing is that you can go without showering for days, as a bit of body odour is to be expected.
Oh, totally, the brakes are off and the floodgates are open for so much more when you're livin' la vida Faux-bo. Find something awesome in public that you wanna eat? check. Get drunk in the day in public? Check. I've had two reasonably well to do friends get given change recently by "well meaning onlookers" in the mistaken belief that they were "Hobo" rather than "Faux bo". that is the brass ring I'm reaching for.
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