Yesterday morning, with the the trails likely saturated, the children returning to school and play group and two hours up my sleeve I headed out on gravel roads around Rotokakahi and Tikitapu. It was a humid, green and very pleasing 39km of sandy, gravelly undulating double track
Plans to commute in were put aside as we had the 12 week scan an hour before work. All good on that front, with a funny, lovely, little skeleton-y pre baby kicking and swimming away blissfully. It goes without saying that seeing said creature makes everything "all the more real (ibid)" and last night, as I sat there at work, I found myself looking very much forward to August 11 2010.
Another spoke snapped on my front wheel yesterday ( tight, lefthand downhill switch back). It was annoying to have it happen at such a random and innocuous moment, however entry level wheels are as entry level wheels do. The apparent nessecity of having some new wheels built continually reinforced. I'll see what the professionals say, I'm leaning towards Hope hubs, however the ratchet-y plague of locust type noise that eminate from the rear are somewhat off putting. We'll see.

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