I saw Cabin riding his totally hot niner to work today, out by where we live as I was dropping Thom off from school. It confirmed to me that I've been a bit precious with riding my green bike on the roads, I read blogs innumerable where guys ride bikes of all sorts to all places. I have a friend who converted his track bike into a go anywhere bike packing rig and I recount with glee that Garth Weinberg rides a Raleigh 20 to devastating effect on 100km rides. A modicum of getting over myself was required. A cross check (or other type of bike of this type) is, frankly, years away. But I'm not doing too bad. with the weather clearing and myself bored and over caffeinated I resolved to head left out of my gate for a couple hours on the road before Rebecca went to her trust meeting so that I could get some exercise, have a bit of a cruise, take in some beautiful country and take some photos. It was grand. 2 hours with lot's of stops. 32x20 (nuts on the flat, happy on the climbs) and 41km.
I headed out first to Lake Okataina, where we shared the best Christmas we ever had with
Nigel, Kate, Isaac and Georgie.

The water was dead still. It was rather eerie, even from a distance. Keeping on for another 15km towards Whakatane I came across a little jetty, side of the road, poking out into Lake Rotoiti.

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