My Most Excellent Man Matt K text me before I went out stating that he felt that Judith by A Perfect Circle was a "Song for the Ages".. and good God Damn I'd be inclined to agree with him.. That song takes me back many years, to living in a flat with other muso types, all of us captivated by the combination of Maynard Kennan's voice and images of the Bass Player wearing them high heels... Oh, Lord.. You can tie your hair back any day, Paz. It was enough to make a twenty five year old mad with desire...
Accordingly and in all it's glory...
Now, a while back I espoused the theory that I had fallen out of love with music, and that The Dirt bombs were one of my "gateway bands" back to being in love with it again.. Hell, I even had my research published in a Prominent Web Based Sciencetelific Journal
I'll tell you though, the first, the FIRST record that I listened to when I started listening to music was SUPERUNKNOWN It was a killer record when I was 17, and lo and behold it's a Killer album 13 years later.. Perfect for some nice trail riding..
This smacks of "all things must come to pass" or some shit, but it's a shame about Chris Cornell ain't it?
and now, sigh... BAD CHRIS CORNELL(and this pains me to post this... but you know, somethings you have to see for yourself..)
ah.. let us not speak ill of the dead, eh?
Being all about interconnectedness and all, thinking about Perfect Circle when I was riding, I began to formulate a long convoluted history linking members of Concord Dawn (both of them actually, thoroughly lovely men) Failure and all that kind of progg-metal-ish stuff. It was going to be awesome. But too long. So here's Autolux
Dr Mr Weir.
Please stop being so superhuman, I respect completely your achievements and
am constantly amazed at your athleticism and prowess in most forms of the sport I love. You pretty much embody all the qualities that I would aspire to have as a rider, and I'm your fan, But come on? second at SSWC08 on a one speed Nomad??
You are making me look bad (Worse). Also, Please will you build me a pump track?
M Clements
And in finishing... It was our third wedding anniversary on Wednesday. Thank you wife for putting up with all my crazy bullshit and expensive tastes. You totally saved my life and I love you very much.

This is another reason why the wife rulz..look at that cake.. made completely by her fair hand.. for Thom. Who was four today.. It's been a good week. Thommo,you are still the best idea we ever had..
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