Monday, November 3, 2008

All Go No Flow...

I got the rubber dirt side down for the first time in about ten days today.. not to say that I haven't been riding, I have, a bunch. commuting to and fro for the agony of a morning shift. I had a whole heap of fun, and did one of my favourite loops, plus some. It was great fitness wise, but I just didn't feel "The Flow" if you will. There were no major catastrophes or anything, but things just weren't gelling as well.My trail craft was slightly off.. It's real interesting (to me, anyway) that after not being out on the trails for that short time I had begun to lose my steez. Or maybe it was one of those days..I dunno.

I met two very nice people from the US of A at the direct road junction. They were riding motel hire bike specials, new to riding trails and wondering if "cruising up Frontal Lobotomy" (it's grade 2 right?)would get them views of the lake. Is that uphill? A short re evaluation later and they tootled off down Pipeline Rd to the benign goodness of Tahi and the Creek Track

Most, if not all of the people I have met from the US have been thoroughly wonderful. And it catches me out just how different these people are from myself, a New Zealander, I guess the thing that catches me out is because like me, they are white and speak the same language..However unlike me, they grew up in a completely different culture.I dunno if this is gelling, however I was thinking on the ride how glad I am to be alive in a time of such historical significance, the US Election tomorrow is one of the most significant in history...The potential of an African American man in the White House? When I was 5, in 1982 who would have ever thought that could be a possibility?.

I lean firmly to the left, so I would vote for Obama (heard of him??)if I was able, however I'm not going to lauch into some rant about McCain or anything as it's not my country and I don't have a say...

But I did get sent this little link here today, and I think it's interesting to see what would happen if the World Could Vote

And ending this clumsy political entry, as glad as I am to be living in this time I'm also terrified for my future and those of my children. The world is teetering on the verge of falling on it's ass as it is, and it frightens the shit out of me that the outcome of the US election could send us down a path were conquest, totalitarianism and unilateralism may be high on the agenda.When America sneezes the world catches the cold. Good Luck, Barry.

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Illuminated Bretheren/Sisteren