Sunday, March 30, 2008

Ass On A Plater/Extra?!!/ Yet Another Thing I Slept On...

Going night riding for the first time This Wednesday. Should be awesomeful (Keane 2004). Awesome because I'm hitting out with Girl Lightning and a few of her homies and Awful because I'm hitting out with Girl Lightning and a few of her homies. She is stupid fast, they probably will be too. Should be aiight will BMF (Build Moral Fibre, Tyrell 2002). In fact, It'll be killer..better to ride with those who stretch your limits blah blah. I'm a just gone try not to vomit out of my nose. If I don't do that I'll be a happy man.

Went for a spin each of the past two days, they were mint... Rain has just started, which is good for A)Strangeview Gardens and B) The Trails.

Work tonight. Just heard from Mrs Smith that they've had to book an extra team member to work with Jos and I tonight.


Normally, with two people rostered onto an arvo shift, we will truck through the work of two people plus (okay, three people)That's not hubris or boastful, we work really hard (I'm not here to fuck pigs, boy. Cottingham 2007). With an extra booked, I can only shudder at the volume of work that awaits... Could be worse, there could be snakes.

As further proof that my finger is so far off the pulse it's not funny, I just heard these bad kids Who, as it turns out played here a month back or so. I was blissfully unaware. Reminds me of James D, and is proof that musical genius is thinking really hard about making music appear effortlesly simple. Not easy.

I gotta go to work. Pray for Mojo.

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Illuminated Bretheren/Sisteren