Friday, March 28, 2008

I Came As A Rat/Legs 1 Brain 0/ Trackpants

Days off are the stuff of joy.
Friday saw my ride being gotten on in the lovely autumal sunshine. The forest was pretty much deserted, dry and cool. As I've said before rain would be nice but hey...Any day riding is a good day, right?

Great ride, Super tired from crazy work though.. Still, felt good, really started to enjoy myself after the first 40mins or so. My mind, wandering as it does, settled on the first video below. Now I don't know about you, but I like watching people riding bikes on great trails NOT railing 40 foot gap jumps and NOT to a soundtrack of "limp-bizkit-invented-hardcore-in-1999" mall punk. I have always loved this band and thinking about this guy actually made me ride better, I don't know how that worked. It was great.

Bone tired at the end, but still pleased with my time around nzo (well comfortable under 2 hours) and far less shitted up in the head.

I got home, spun on the lawn with Thommo and Zach, ran, moonhoppered, chased balls and generally got my inner-three-year-old on. Post same, ate apples,date and orange scones and scopped up the kids to go look for this and hit up the rocket park. One of these duly accomplished ( the park, not the mag). It was home with tired kids for tea and beers and bed.

Today was spent at the park with my rebs, thommo and lola, along with my sister, my brother-in-law and their boy, E-man.

Picnic food was consumed,Trees were climbed, balls were thrown/kicked and much fun was had.. I finally succumbed after four years of living in West Auckland and bought a pair of track pants (sweat pants)!!!! Hell yeah. They warm as all get out and I can feel appropriately derelict sloping into the Veiw Road liqour king with them...Bogan tastic!
Now I'm gonna watch the Blues vs Bulls then clean my bike. The Sunnyvale Heights wives club is convening tonight, so fuck, I dunno. lock up your husbands?

And, because Modest Mouse rule...

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Illuminated Bretheren/Sisteren